Milton Photographic Club was formed in 2005. We aim to provide a friendly and constructive environment for local photographers to share images and discuss all aspects of their craft. We see ourselves as a local club, and this is reflected in the significant proportion of our images which have been taken within a few miles of Milton. A selection of our photographs can be seen here.
We have a full programme of various types. Details of our next meeting are shown here.
We meet on the third Wednesday of every month, except August, in Milton Church Hall (Behind All Saints Church) CB24 6AB. Meetings start at 8:00pm and finish before 9:45pm, with an open invitation to continue discussions in the pub afterwards.
Membership is free and you are invited to join us by signing up to our mailing list. Read our privacy policy here
There is a £2 admission charge for most meetings.
Our meetings fall into three main categories: show and tell, practicals, and talks. The paragraphs below give an indication of what can be expected at each type of meeting.
Show and Tell Members are invited to present up to four photographs and share with the group the stories behind the pictures, the techniques used and the difficulties encountered in making the images.
With no competition to worry about, these meetings are the ideal opportunity to exchange ideas, and be inspired by the work of other members.
Practicals We have a number of practical sessions during the year. Our recent practicals show how these range from the fun - painting with light, through the more serious - black and white photography, to the more advanced - image stacking. They also include an outside session at least once a year.
As with everything else we do at the club, the culture is one where everyone helps everyone else, and beginners, and those with more basic equipment will still find plenty to enjoy.
Talks Along with the practical and the show and tell meetings, we have a programme of talks. These are either by members of the club or by outside speakers.
Topics are varied and have included: wet colloidion plate photography, portraits, and Milton Country Park.
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